Link Development (One way)

A website is considered a hit if it receives more site visits by people. Web masters across the world constantly try to earn maximum clicks from the consumers all over the world using tactics which may not be right always. Search engines have become wary of such tactics that the web developers use to increase their rating. Hence search engines have mentioned some strict code of conduct to refrain such acts. But a process called as inbound linking has proved to be very beneficial to garner good rating and at the same time is within the allowances of a search engine. These are called as One Way Link Building.

There are four techniques for one way link building. Namely-
• Link directories-It is a straight forward way of building one way links for a site. But one has to be careful with use of these directories as it can turn into link farming which is certainly not approved by any search engines. I t is very necessary that the directory that you have chosen have fair quality control norms and requires description for each link.
• Blog commenting-A bolg is used as a medium of free expression of views. Link building has no direct relation with it. You can insert the links of your web site in the comments section.
• Social Book marking-It is a medium through which people with common interest share sites and links .If you could gain entry in such sites, it can surely increase the rating as it has wider audience. To achieve this site should be made appealing and interesting.
• Article marketing-It helps to endorse your web site on the Net .This can be done by placing the links of your site inside a bundle of text content related to certain topic in the site. This ensures targeting the market. This in turn boosts the ranking.

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