10 Great New Features in Windows 10

Using the Computer becomes more convenient with Microsoft 10

Though it might take some time for the launching of Windows 10, you can wait with bated breath for the features which are included in this, making your PC a lot more valuable asset you own. You will find loads of stuff, all of which is different, making your experience with the Windows 10 a memorable one. Some of the features which are in this Windows 10 are listed below, so that you are aware what you are looking forward to,

  1. Return of the Start Menu

With many of us wishing for the Start Menu, Microsoft has managed to get this back. Clicking on the start button which is on the bottom left of the given screen, you find two panels which are side by side, with the recently, pinned, most used apps being shown on the left column. For options like standby, Shut down and hibernate you get a power-button which is on the top. The column on the right will feature a selection of tiles which are live and can be customised, reorganise and also resize. The search field which is at the bottom can look up programs, files and also Internet results.

  1. Desktop with Cortana

Microsoft will be bringing the digital assistant Cortana which is voice controlled, to computers. This will make it easier for you to interact with your device without actually lifting your finger. You will be able to search your hard-drive for any specific files and also pull up any photos from the dates you wish, or even launce your Power Point presentations by just telling the PC to do so. You will be able to send an e-mail by telling Cortana to do so.

  1. X-Box App

The X-Box app on Windows 10 will help you play the desired games as this operating system is able to support the game streaming of X-Box through the network in your home, that too, with a speed which is higher and a great performance of the graphics. With this app you can share, edit and even record your victories with the feature of the Game DVR. With Windows 10 you can join your friends and see the activity via Xbox live.

  1. Spartan Browser

Internet Explorer is going to be replaced with the Spartan browser. The features include a mode for reading which is able to improve any layout of articles which are long, A Support of the PDF, and a feature for note taking. This feature of note taking is able to let you write on any page and also share with your friends on any social networking site through a slide-in menu. You will find the Cortana being supported by this Spartan Browser, which makes it more convenient.

  1. Multi tasking improved

The multi task Desktop allows you to run a set of windows as if it is on another screen, but without the use of another monitor. You are able to keep a track of the apps which are open with Windows 10. This operating system you can either swipe from the edge on the left or hit the button for the New Task which is on the Task Bar. This give you a view in one page of all the open apps and files.

  1. Universal Apps

Microsoft has decided to introduce new software to make the transition between different devices more seamless. This is known as the Universal Apps, which is able to use the same code. With the OS, you have the company bundling Universal Apps in a way so that all the content like People and Messaging, Photos, Music, Videos, Maps, Calendar and Mail can be stored and synced via the One Drive cloud Service of Microsoft. This enables you to pick up from where you left ,on any other device.

  1. Touch Support for Office Apps

The new version of Office Apps, Excel, Word, Outlook and Power Point will provide an interface of touch-first across laptops, tablets, and also PC’s. The app bar which has replaced the top function ribbon can show up only when required.

  1. Continuum

This system will be able to detect if you are plugged in a mouse or keyboard and will be able to switch modes for a more convenient interaction. In case of you removing the mouse or the keyboard you will receive a notification from the bottom task-bar asking you if you need to switch over to the Tablet mode.

  1. Action Centre

With this you will be able to go through all your notifications in one place. The Charms menu is replaced with this Action Centre. This will be able to collect all the alerts from the device from all the apps and you will be able to respond or even react from the very same panel with the expansion of each panel showing actions.

  1. Control Panel and Unified Settings

You have Microsoft bringing together the two apps which are used for controlling the settings of your device in PC Settings and Control Panel so that it is less confusing and you can manage your device more easily from a single place instead of having to hunting for any menu.

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