1. Comparison between Windows 10 & Windows 8.1

Microsoft has launched its new version of operating system called Windows 10 which is an advanced version of Windows 8.1. As for now Windows 8 has three or four operating systems if you take into account 32 and 64 bit versions, whereas Windows 10 will include all these in one system.

2. Cortana a new feature in Windows 10

Microsoft’s Windows 10 is installed with Cortana which engages the user in conversation; this is a new feature which was not available in Windows 8.1. Apart from recognizing the users speech Cortana searches the web for information and informs about its interactions to the user. It also observes the users contacts, interests etc., in order to give better service to the user. The digital assistant included by Microsoft in its new version is a great improvement over Windows 8.

3. Search improvements in Windows 10

The search to load up files and apps is now more efficient rather than navigating through files and apps since windows and search are now woven into Cortana. The search button is now located near the search box which is very convenient. Windows 10 now allows the user to talk while typing and searching for something that is stored online or locally, the search box for all these functions is the same. The name of the wanted file can be said or typed or a Photoshop can be launched by Cortana if the user asks for it. Appointments in calendars or weather forecasts can also be searched. Another new feature is Quick Access which is an updated form of File Explorer which is a replacement of old Favorites. Automatic displays of the users frequently visited folders as well as recent files makes finding them faster and easier.

4. Snap assist and windows modern apps:

Unlike Windows 8 where the user can simultaneously run as many apps as the user likes, the new apps feature allows four apps to be snapped on one screen. The user can carry out multitasking on a single screen without going through the trouble of resizing the apps manually and without wasting precious pixels.

5. Virtual Desktops and Task View:

The task view button when clicked on enables the user to have a new version of the thumbnails which are in Windows 8 or 8.1. This is another feature that is useful and also enhances visual productivity. A multi monitor setup can be created in a single monitor with Task View. As with the older versions of Windows the Alt Tab can be used to shuffle in between windows. Simply clicking on the button of the Task View takes the user to the Add Desktop button located at the bottom of the right hand corner. On every Desk Top the user can run or snap apps in the desired size on windows. Users can keep their web browser and email on a single desk top that can be hidden while working on Excel spreadsheet.

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